Got some free time, booted up another Vulnhub virtual machine. This time we’ll be playing with Mr-Robot: 1. 📝 Note: Based on the show, Mr. Robot. This VM has three keys hidden in different locations.
Sep 23, 2019
Another machine available during the CEH course, but this one was pretty straight forward. Maq103 - MÁQUINA Descrição: Isso que dá utilizar um sistema operacional desatualizado e sem suporte da fabricante.
May 22, 2018
This was one of the first machines done during the CEH course. The virtual machine available in my classes was a copy of another existent in the lab so, when I finally got access to the lab, I merely replicated the actions done in the VM and this let the description of the machine in the lab pass unnoticed.
May 12, 2018